

I get very frustrated when I pay for a service and the final prodcut just isn't right. For the third time in a month, I had my bicycle in the bike shop and once again, it still isn't right. Why, why, why must I pay money (a substantial amount non-the-less) for a half-ass job!?

I also get annoyed when I need a double "a" batteries, and I have every other kind of battery and no double "a" s! So, I had to take two out of my clock-- I am sure that there will be a power outage tonight. All this to be able to right click on a mac!



a post in the road

I'm diving in and starting a blog...

"I have things I want to talk about and you do to"

But, not about Mr. Rogers.

Tonight my son and I had our weekly dance party on my grandparents' lanai. Since our only option is a tape player made to look like a juke box, we danced our hearts out to "Bille Jean" and "To all the Girls I've Loved Before."

Some memories are just too precious to keep to myself. :)