

Spring break occurred last week, and we received a huge snow storm. I was happy to have the chance to sled and ski once more, but am ready for the green grass and warm days of late spring. This time of the year, the sun is so glorious-- After the long winter, it seems to renew and revive everything in it's rays. Photos of week 3:


Next Days

Last week, I was sick, sick, sick with the flu. I still am hacking like a 50 year smoker (my poor neighbors!) Also, in celebration of spring, a stick was chucked at my face and resulted in a puffy lip (accidentally, deleted that photo). What a week!

Just a few photos...


40 Days

Lent began last week and I have a list of things that I'm pursuing during lent. Why? It all began when I picked up a copy of the Compass and was confronted with the Pope's Lenten message: "Lent teaches us to love Christ in an ever more radical way." Most days, I don't feel that way about God.

Thus, one thing I'm doing for lent is to take a daily photo of myself. Part of lent is about the process of conversion-- about letting go of
some of our self-absorption and materialism so that we can see God more clearly. It may seem counter productive to take a daily photo of oneself, but the goal in 40 days of photos is to bring to mind that God loves us, even in our mire and imperfection...

(Forgot to take a photo on Monday)