I started this blog before facebook as a way to comment on friends' blogs and over the years I've used it for different purposes. To share my reading list, to muse, but now, after 8 years as a single mom to most incredible boy, I've remarried and I thought I'd share our story of becoming the "Waki Family."
it's a boy
I see something else, maybe...
is this a problem?
From the top: New Red Keens (Vagabond 2008), First pair of red shoes-- Londons from London (2001), Red Birkenstocks still covered in winter Chicago salt (Madison, E's graduation, 2007), Pink is the summer red (2007, Stayed in an yurk in Spooner, WI), Red Simples (The Heel, 2006), I even have red slippers (Land's End)
i'm loving
Suddenly I See
more than brats-n-beer
i'm loving
rode 50 yesterday and can't wait to ride more.
If you are bicycle shopping, I cannot say enough about purchasing one from "Stretch" at Nor Door Sport & Cyclery: http://nordoorsports.com/
It is definitely worth the trek to Fish Creek.
yes, we can
For we have a choice in this country. We can accept a politics that breeds division and conflict and cynicism. We can tackle race only as spectacle — as we did in the O.J. trial — or in the wake of tragedy — as we did in the aftermath of Katrina — or as fodder for the nightly news. We can play Reverend Wright's sermons on every channel, every day and talk about them from now until the election, and make the only question in this campaign whether or not the American people think that I somehow believe or sympathize with his most offensive words. We can pounce on some gaffe by a Hillary supporter as evidence that she's playing the race card, or we can speculate on whether white men will all flock to John McCain in the general election regardless of his policies.
We can do that.
But if we do, I can tell you that in the next election, we'll be talking about some other distraction. And then another one. And then another one. And nothing will change."
Read the entire speech here: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=88478467