
"Raising Boys without Men" Peggy Drexler

"We live in a culture where we want mothers to do everything and whenever something goes wrong, it's the mother's fault," Mary Becker told the NYT."

"The maverick mother's sons I studied, clearly showed that a boy's morality and masculinity could be cultivated without a live-in father.  I found there were no differences in the boys in terms of their conceptions about what they considered fair or their reasoning about moral issues."

"I have come to take a stand against the recent tide of opinion and the rash of books asserting that boys must have a father in the home to in order to to grow to full manhood.  Instead, I have found that loving, growth-encouraging parenting is what boys need.  A good parent, whether mother or father, will enable a boy to develop to his full potential as a young man, as long as his individuality, his manliness, his courage, and his developing conscience are respectfully and and fully supported."

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